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Order a Basket
When do you want it delivered?

Delivery is arranged via third party vendors who charge based on location. Rates start at Rs 250 going up to Rs 800. 


Thanks for loafing!

How to design a basket to suit your budget!


Step 1: choose items from our menu (or request custom products off the menu).

Step 2: decide quantities of each product you want in your basket.

Step 3: get a quote from us.

Step 4: confirm your basket via WhatsApp (+92-3078888272), send delivery address and contact details for the recipient. 

Step 5: Pay online (wire transfer, PayPal, or cash drop).

Step 6: sit back and relax while we get to work (prepare for the thank you call you've been expecting.



   Additionally add flowers, custom balloons or products from our panel of artisan

vendors. Add a note for the recipient (handwritten note on our custom cards).

The Loaf x BasketCase: previous orders

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