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Real Bread Campaign Pakistan #RBCP

Hi Bakers, we're calling out to you!


If you make artisan bread the right way i.e. without preservatives or additives, give us a shout!


We would love for you to join us as we spearhead the "Real Bread Campaign Pakistan". 


What we want is to create a community around 'real bread*'. 

From bread production to ingredient sourcing, to bread knowledge and training, all can be shared within the community to raise the standard across the board.


Our goal is to ensure Pakistani's are eating bread that is good for their gut, and not bread that contains chemicals, additives or excess yeast. Nor do we want to encourage our bread family to produce sourfaux** ... instead of sourdough! 




*Real bread is made without chemical raising agents, so-called processing aids or any other additives

**Sourfaux refers to sourdough made using baker's yeast and/or one or more additives such as baking powder or ascorbic acid (which increase rise), bread improver, xanthan gum or enzymes. It does not, however, refer to adding flavours to your loaf.


To join our bread community or bread family as we call it, email us at



The Approval Process:

  1. Send us a sample of your bread 

  2. Get your sample approved by our panel

  3. Send us your logo and company information including any links to a website or social media

  4. Get an official invite to join the RBCP community

  5. ​​​Et voila! You're a member!


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